We are thrilled to invite you to our Purim Celebration on Sunday, March 5. Come in costume and get ready for a groovy time!
The day’s festivities are generously underwritten by the Susman Fund for Family Programming, the Rabbi Roy & Linda Walter Enrichment Fund, the Julia Kaplan Religious School Enrichment Fund, and the Michael Spolane Education Fund.
The entertainment will begin with our Purim spiel in the Barish Sanctuary. This year’s theme is Mamma Mia Megillah! We will be singing and dancing to the rockin’ 70s beats of your all your favorite Abba tunes, complete with bell bottoms and disco flair. We hope you will join the Emanu El staff, and our volunteer and youth choirs on Sunday, March 5, 10:00 a.m. in the Barish Sanctuary. We will start with some megillah reading and then jump into our high-energy performance.
If you are unable to attend in person, please find us on the streaming video page (select Barish Sanctuary) and the Emanu El Facebook page, along with our YouTube and Roku channels. The theme for this year’s spiel is Mamma Mia Megillah, and you won’t want to miss what we’ve got in store!
Following the spiel, all are invited to head over to our Purim Carnival, sponsored by the Helfman Religious School Committee. From games to inflatables, hamantaschen to arts & crafts, and of course confetti eggs, there will be something for everyone.
PLEASE NOTE: All vehicles entering the campus will be checked for a CEE sticker or Becker carpool tag. If you are inviting a non-member guest, please use the “guest names” field on the ticket pre-sale form to add them to our list of authorized people.
Purchase Tickets & WristbandsWant to help out at the carnival? We would love to have you! There are three shifts for the carnival: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. There is also a volunteer opportunity to bake a cake for the cake walk!
Volunteer Sign-Up
We are excited for a fabulous day of celebration that includes the Purim Spiel and Purim Carnival. We hope you will join us. As a sponsor, you are entitled to the benefits described here. Your goodies will be available for you on March 5th. Your support helps the Helfman Religious School provide an outstanding Jewish education to over 450 students each year. With your help, Jewish students are strengthening their Jewish identity, learning Hebrew, preparing for their bar and bat mitzvahs, and connecting with other Jewish students. For more information on these opportunities, please contact Anna Shabtay at annas@emanuelhouston.org or 713.529.5771, ext. 261.
Become a Sponsor