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Adult Education

Learn with us to engage your mind, touch your heart, and move your soul. Explore the meaning of Jewish texts and discover a deeper understanding of Judaism and its heritage, history and identity.

Torah Study

We offer two insightful Torah study classes on Shabbat mornings at 9:00 a.m.


The Mindfulness Meditation group, on Shabbat mornings at 9:00 a.m., integrates Jewish values into a practice of gaining awareness of yourself and others. All levels are welcome. The first Saturday of each month is dedicated to beginners and includes an introduction to mindfulness.

A Taste Of  Talmud

Add your voice to our beit midrash (house of study) on the first Thursday of each month at 12:30 p.m., in an introductory study of rabbinic texts, led by Stefani Carlson, Director of Congregational Learning. No experience or Hebrew knowledge is required. All texts are provided in translation and everyone is welcome.

Adult Education Classes

Basic Judaism

Learn more about Judaism, refresh your knowledge, or support someone who is on the path to conversion. Basic Judaism is a free course, taught by our clergy, covering Jewish beliefs, holidays, rituals, history and more, held on Sunday mornings, 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. It’s open to everyone, especially those considering conversion.

Adult Hebrew

Learning Hebrew is a wonderful way to make worship services more familiar and participatory. We have two terrific year-long adult Hebrew classes.

Courses cost $180 each. Please contact Shira Moses in Rabbi Silk’s office to reserve your spot at 713.529.5771, ext. 212, or shiram@emanuelhouston.org.


Learn With Us

For more information, please call Rabbi Silk’s office at 713.529.5771, ext. 212, or email her at rabbipbs@emanuelhouston.org.